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Our goal and purpose is to serve our retired ministers, widows, ailing ministers and their families. We do this through support, encouragement, resources, and pastoral counseling.
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How We Can Help

Serving and ministering to our Church of God
Retired Ministers, Their Spouses, Widows and Spinsters

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Spiritual Care

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Pastoral Counselling

Spiritual Care

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​Spiritual Care is a servant ministry existing solely for the purpose of serving and ministering to our faithful Church of God retired ministers, their spouses and ministers' widows. It is a ministry of care and hope, whether it is helping with monthly activities of daily living or coming alongside them during their emergencies and times of need or comfort.


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​The Church of God Ministerial Care Team has facilitated a Restoration Ministry that is focused on assisting ministers and their families in need of healing and renewal. The team provide care for the people to whom they minister; they build relationships with them and treat them with respect regardless of their mistakes

As a ministry for ministers, Church of God Care Ministry strives to treat ministers with the same level of respect and care when caring for them. The restoration ministry is here to help ministers and their families to work through extremely difficult circumstances, to live the life they were created to live, and to do the ministry they were called to do.
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Timothy Maness, D. Min.
Office: 423.478.7297
Email: [email protected]

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Do you know a minister, spouse, widow or spinster
​ in need of spiritual support and/ministerial care?

Please do not hesitate to contact
Rev. Dorett E. Walker
Ministerial Care Coordinator